"There is something deeply within us, a movement, a rhythm, an energy that through lack of acknowledgment and habitual condition lies dormant. The awakening is initially physiological but then spreads into other areas of our experience" John Stirk
Hi, I am Anastacia
I am a mother, a Yoga Teacher, and a Certified Life Coach, specialized in Stress Management and Somatic practices that help you cultivate a mindset for success.
Have you ever felt trapped in your mind or felt yourself constantly overanalyzing situations, thoughts, or emotions.
I've been there too, I used to suffer from anxiety in my late teens and even in my adult life.
Trust me, freedom and finding yourself again is possible. There are ways to navigate through stress, multi-tasking, and feeling restless and feel calm, empowered and positive.
Balancing is an ongoing practice.
It never ends.
The best way to navigate through that journey is making peace with that absolute truth that no matter how much Yoga or kindness you make, there is going to be something that pushes you away from that center.
If we surround ourselves with tools, practices, habits, that make that journey enjoyable, embracing our imperfections can be the most freeing thing you can do for yourself.
Whether its feelings of heavy heart, not knowing, and disconnected at home - I promise there is a path to the other side.